Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Some Brief Thoughts On Roe v. Wade

It's the anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. So I am going to offer some quick thoughts on the decision and abortion.

First off, the political side of me is thankful to live in a country where women have the right to make their own life decisions. For anyone else to decide (male or female) to decide what is best for any other women's life is unacceptable.

Now the side of me with a conscience and morals believes 90% of abortions occur for selfish reasons and of those 90%, each and every one is avoidable. The thing is, I have NO right to force what I believe to be moral and right upon other people. I do not know their situation or what is going on inside their head. The decision on abortion must belong to the woman (hopefully with input and support from the man, but in many cases I'm sure that is not the way it works out). I would like to offer two ways to cut down on the number of abortions in America without any legislation.

1. Women must respect themselves more. Unfortunately in America, perception is reality. If you dress like a skank, that's what people are going to believe. I'm not saying you have to dress like an Amish woman at the club or a concert, there is a time and place to be sexy. I'm saying know when those times are. Men like a mystery. Don't give 90% of it away up front.

Also ladies, even if you are on birth control demand your partner wear a condom. Birth control can fail and it does not prevent STD's and who wants one of those? It must be a deal breaker for you if he won't wear one. Spending a night alone is far better than the possible consequences of unprotected sex.

2. Men must treat women with dignity and respect. Just because a woman is dressed like Ke$ha, it does not give any man the right to disrespect her in any way. And men, dress for the occasion as well.

And men, be insistent with condom use as well. As I mentioned earlier, birth control doesn't prevent STD's. That's not a trip to the health clinic anyone wants to make. So use them. It's better than the alternatives.

it's very simple, if men and women treat themselves and each other with more respect and both genders are equally passionate about safe sex, the need for abortions in America will decline. And if the need decline, the overall numbers decline. And it happens without any legislation whatsoever, which is the best part.

Thanks for reading. Remember, if you cannot be a poet, be the poem.

Twitter: @jtlovecraft

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