Tuesday, December 25, 2012

If I Were Santa Claus...

These are some gifts I would have delivered...

Lindsay Lohan: Her own island.  If she has her own island, there is no reason for her to own a car.  So she can be as drunk as she wants whenever she wants.

PBS: Commercials.  It's the 21st century.  Adapt.

George Lucas: a Neurolizer

Wiz Khalifa: a new hometown.  Seriously, how many of you Pittsburghers out there actually claim Wiz as one of us?

Tingles Matthews: some Ben Gay to help whatever is ailing that leg

Chris Brown: Three rounds with Wladimir Klitschko.  Go ahead Chris, throw a punch now.

UAW: A bill for the money lost on the GM bailout

Rachel Maddow:  I can't be mean on Christmas... on to the next one

New York City: A new mayor

Taylor Swift: relationship counseling

Nicolas Cage: A good script.

Ron Paul: an apology from the RNC

I hope you all had a great Christmas and got everything you wanted!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all.  May you have a blessed holiday.