Saturday, December 22, 2012

I Have Solved The School Safety Problem

I had a fantastic idea pop into my last night.  And just between all of us, it is one of my more amazing ideas, and that is saying something.  I can solve school security issues and eliminate pissed off airline travelers with one simple act: eliminate the TSA.

I'm sure you all understand how that fixes the latter of the two issues.  But how does it help with school security?  It's simple.  The TSA's budget for 2012 was approximately $7.1 billion dollars, with about $1.2 billion of that coming from taxpayers.  If the TSA is eliminated, that money is opened up for other use.  So, take that $7.1 billion and turn  it into grants for schools who wish to hire security personnel.  And in an effort to promote the hiring of veterans, if any school wishes to hire veterans as their security, they get extra funding.

To me this requires no debate.  Eliminating the TSA, who spend most of their day groping old ladies and bullying kids in wheelchairs, will increase commercial flight passengers and cut down on lengthy waits and other aggravations at airports.  Seriously, airport security and walk through metal detectors is adequate enough security at an airport.  The $7.1 billion being wasted by the TSA would be better used towards protecting American schools from unspeakable acts like Newton.

Now more than ever we must find a way to protect our schools and the children and teachers in them.  Turning the TSA budget into grant money for schools who want security on site is a simple, common sense approach to making schools safer.  I can't think of a single case where the TSA stopped a terrorist.  I'm sure that's because they are too busy trying to be politically correct and "randomly" searching grandma and handicapped kids.  Nevertheless, it's time to focus on a real problem in America: school safety.   So disband the TSA and focus on the children.  This approach is simple, smart and does not stomp on anyone's Second Amendment rights.  So, let's make 2013 about real change in our priorities and show the children they are number one on all our lists.