Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sorry if I Don't Get All Teared Up...

The death of Paul Walker means one less awful actor in the world. End of story.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Things For Which I Am Thankful

I'm back home after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Now I would like to share a few things for which I am very thankful.

1. My family and friends... your love and support means so much and it never, ever wavers
2. Alastair, Loki, Gabriel and Phoenix and the unconditional love and all the smiles you bring to me.
3. I'm thankful for rock n' roll... that music has helped keep me (reasonably) sane and provides me peace of mind and solitude when nothing else does
4. Coffee... this sweet elixir of hot goodness helps me to function every day.
5. I am thankful for being employed. My job may not be ideal for how my brain wants to operate, but I have steady income, health insurance and a 401K.
6. Knowing how to cook has also been a blessing. For as much of my adult life as I have lived alone, it has been nice not having to survive on Ramen and Stouffer's. That is something for which to be thankful.
7. I am also very thankful my mind is strong enough to not be a blinder wearing Obommunist. I am very proud of that.
8. I'm thankful for my creativity. Even though it comes and goes with much more frequency these days, when it is active, it is a blessing.
9. Baseball was my first love and will always be my favorite sport. I am thankful to have developed such a love for a truly classic game.

Happy Thanksgiving