Thursday, July 11, 2013

This Will Be Like Shouting at a Pile of Rocks...

As someone who has become very Libertarian minded, I know this rant will do absolutely nothing to penetrate the cement vaults of all you annoyingly loyal republicans and democrats out there. But I've had this rant bottled up and it must become part of this blog or I will need blood pressure medication and a shrink. And also quite possibly, a lawyer. So if any of you out there who still refuse to budge from either of the two Big Evils are in any way a bit overly sensitive, just stop reading now. To the rest of you who can handle some anger and a verbal Gibbs slap, read on!

Let me start with you recraplicans. What the fuck? No, really...what the fuck? Ever since Wrongney lost the election you have sat back and watched your members of Congress kneel down and take it on the face for the Obama administration. You have watched in silence, making the occasional symbolic and idle threat as the RINO's destroy a once proud party. It is all of you who have allowed gutless and mentally impotent people like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander, Orrin Hatch, Pat Toomey and Marco Rubio to slowly chip away at everything classic Republicans hold dear to their hearts. And lest we forget, just a few months ago, Senator Rubio was thought to be the shining beacon of great light to lead the party forward. I understand there are some of you still out there who want to force the RINOs into extinction. I know a few of them personally. But there aren't enough. Too many recraplicans are indifferent about the destruction of our freedoms and the raping of your liberties. The problem is many of you rely on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly for information. And that is not simply a little problem. It's a really fucking big one. Don't get me wrong, Rush is a great entertainer and he actually puts research into what he discusses. But if he is your go-to for direction, you have some serious issues. As for Hannity and O'Reilly, both are pompous morons. In O'Reilly's case, quite possibly a drunk and pompous moron. Eliminate the latter two from your life completely. Limit your exposure to Limbaugh. (If you are wondering why I haven't mentioned Glen Beck, I'm not sure where I stand with him. Part of me wants to believe he had a Libertarian revelation, but forgive me if I am not convinced.) Push the homophobes in your party over the edge of the Grand Canyon. Oh, and tell Sarah Palin to go back to Alaska and wrestle a polar bear or jerkoff a moose or whatever it is she does. She sure as hell cannot be allowed to be a player in the republican party. Listen to me, republicans. Start taking your party back. Stand up and make right all the wrongs which have been done in the past five years. Or, if you see it as a sinking ship not worthy of rescuing, join the Libertarian crusade. And before you start throwing back questions at me about the liberal social beliefs of the Libertarian party, consider this: Libertarians are able to keep separate personal and social/political beliefs. Just because you wouldn't choose abortion in your personal life doesn't mean you can't support the right of woman to decide on her own free will what's best for her life. Because frankly, it's none of your damn business anyway. If you are a frustrated republican and want a new (but longer) road, if you can accept the attitude I describe in the previous sentence, if you love liberty and freedom above all else, come on over. We could use your help. If you can't, or aren't willing...well stay with the clusterfuck of a failing party you helped create. You're beyond reason or saving.

OK, now on to you demoncrats. First off, stop watching Bill Maher, Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton. (I know only about 57 of you out there actually watch Sharpton's show, but please stop.) Those people are full of nothing but hatred, propaganda, venom and misinformation. That goes quadruple for that Bill Maher asshole. The sooner we get him off the air, the better America will be for it. On a Congressional level, you need to rid your party of degenerative twatrags like Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I has happy we got rid of a mushbrained tool when John Kerry accepted a cabinet position (make your liquor joke) in the O administration. However, you old money, blue blood, wrinkly white people voters up there in ASSachusetts just sent a Kerry clone right back to the Senate in Ed Markey. Seriously, what wrong with you up there in MA? Senility? You had a chance to elect a young, Hispanic, former Navy SEAL with a business degree from Harvard and you chose the old white guy. The problem with you democrats is you want so badly for the first half-black prince to succeed, you are willing to accept anything his administration does and good, noble and in the best interest of the United States. Unfortunately, none of it is. You've been duped. You are just as gutless and mentally impotent as the people who continue to send the RINOs to Congress. However, when you vote for these degenrates you know what you're getting. I'm certain that actually makes you worse. You demoncrats, just like the recraplicans, showed nothing but apathy as the Obama administration slowly stripped you of your liberty and freedom. You watched complacently as it all happened. (And I haven't even touched on Benghazi and our soldiers still being in harm's way.) But fear not, there is still hope. The democrat party can once again be something JFK would be proud of. But to fix your party you have to start by taking out the trash. To begin cleaning up your party you first need to remove the vagina worshipers from the pro-choice movement. That type of militant attitude and behavior is destroying the movement and alienating those who actually respect what the pro-choice movement is all about. The Libertarians understand and respect it. And you sure as hell won't hear them chanting "hail Satan". Get that filth away from your party. The same goes for the nitwits who think guns murder people. People murder people, not inanimate objects. Removing those two types of people from the party will raise the collective IQ considerably. If some of you democrats out there think this is a hopeless endeavor, there is also room for you in the Libertarian party. If you are willing to explore fiscal issues in a different light and want government to stay out of your shit, then join us. We can use your help also. It's time to say enough is enough with this oppressive, government-knows-best nonsense. Step out of the crowd and walk with us. It will be a difficult path, but more fulfilling. You will see yourself as actually part of something instead of being just a voiced drowning in the mob.

Both the jackass and the elephant are equally responsible for the horrible condition of America. Both parties now believe it is OK to illegally spy on Americans. Both parties have accepted possible drone attacks on American soil as reasonable. The NDAA was bi-partisan. Is that the America in which you want to live? Do you want your freedom and liberty back? Would you love nothing more than to simply live your life as you damn please? If that is what you want you have two choices. The first is to begin a crusade to remove the trash from your respective party. The second choice is to choose a new party: the Libertarian party. I am a supporter of the porcupine. We could use some help in our fight. It doesn't hurt to do some reading on our views and decide for yourself if you fit in. Unlike the other two parties, we don't tell you how to think. We give you the opportunity to think.

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