Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Humpday, Here's Some Thoughts

Michael Vick is the NFL's most overrated player.

Congressman Akin is a moron. Joe Biden is a clown.

The nominees aren't even official yet and the campaign is far too negative for my liking.

Gary Johnson is the most qualified candidate for President.  It's a shame he has no chance to win.

Nicki Minaj on American Idol(atry) is just another reason the show should be cancelled.

Avril Lavigne has very poor tatse in men.

So does Kim Kardashian.

Kirk Cameron, sometimes you need to tell it like it is.  Stop being so nice.

Nike's new LeBron shoe is ugly as hell.

The adult film industry needs to get it's shit together.

Why is the "Fast and Furious" scandal still being ignored by the mainstream media?