Thursday, August 16, 2012

Liberal Media Laziness

The dopeheads and lazy jafoffs in the liberal media through lack of research and twisting the truth had given some no-name rock band the Silver whatever-the -hell their name is 15 minutes of fame.

This lousy rock band apparently heard a rumor Mitt Romney was using their music.  Not true.  The truth is, one of their songs was played over the PA system during the setup of a Romney appearance.  Well Romney "using" their music got back to the band and their lawyer sent a "cease and desist" to Romney's campaign.  (From a legal persepctive, the Romney camp pays a licensing fee to play music publically, so the cease and desisit is basically meaningless.)  The Romney camp happily agreed to never again play music from this band no one ever heard of before saying it's not the kind of music to which they'd want to expose Romney's supporters.

Andrea Saul, a Romney spokeswoman, explains:

"As anyone who attends Gov. Romney's events knows, this is not a song we would have played intentionally," she wrote. "That said, it was covered under the campaign's regular blanket license, but we will not play it again."

Has anyone actually ever heard this band's music?  I didn't even know they existed until yesterday.  But I bet they are trending across America now because of the laziness and lack of actual journalism effort from the leftist media of the country. And have you seen a picture of this band?  The look like the Queer of the Month Club.  But now, thousands of people will enter this crappy band into Tweets and search engines everywhere.

I can't say I'm surprised by the lack of effort into fact finding and true journalism work from the anti-everything-good leftwing media when it comes to Mitt Romney.  But giving free promotion to crappy rock bands just cannot be tolerated.