Friday, September 14, 2012

Holy $#!+ what a week!

So a Georgia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan had their application to be part of the Adopt-A-Highway program rejected by the state.  And surprsingly, the usually liberal American Civil Liberties Union is coming to their aide.  The ACLU contends, as does the KKK, that First Amendment rights were violated and judging by statements from the Georgia Department of Transportation, including this one, "Issuing this permit would have the potential to negatively impact the quality of life, commerce and economic development of Union County and all of Georgia.", both the ACLU and the KKK have a point.

Now, I have zero interest in anything the Ku Klux Klan has to say.  And I hope most other Americans feel the same way.  But just becuase I, or millions of others find the views reprehensable, does not mean those views should be censored or silenced.  So the KKK will have their name on a highway sign.  So what? They are loyal and dedciated so at least that strech of highway will be clean.

What in the hell is up with members of the royal family and naked pictures?  I thought that crap was for c-list actresses and crappy pop singers.  Seriously, save that crap for LiLo, Vanessa Hudgens and Demi Lovato.

The third world heathens in the Middle East rioting over a movie is sickening.  So some movie portrays Mohammed in an unflattering light.  Holy hell here comes the apocalypse.  Will murdering and raping people who had nothing to do with the filming of the movie change anything?  Will burning American embasies make the movie go away?  And the Obama administration's weak response is almost as sickening.  It was almost sympathetic to the rioters.  Instead of denouncing the violence, they made excuses and blamed the movie.  Really?  REALLY?  They called the situation volatile. Yeah, no shit! And it will only get worse unless our soldiers are permitted to put those rabid animals out of their misery.  No more dead marines or ambassadors.  (And why is Obozo partying with Jay-Z and Beyonce when all this is happening?)
On a side note, a movie called The DaVinci Code contained ideas considered blasphemous and offensive by some Christians.  But do you know what?  No one was raped or murdered because of The DaVinci Code.  No arsons were committed because of The DaVinci Code.  Just something to keep in mind.
Rahm Emanuel, even though you are a left wing nutjob and you did cave a little bit to the teacher's union, I am proud of you for making it clear teachers must be held to a specific standard of quality.  And as you gradually phase in the evaluations, I hope you weed out the bad apples and build the public schools in Chicago into something wonderful.  Any teacher who does not wish to have his/her job performance evaluated has something to hide.
Remember, you were born an original so don't die a copy.  See you next time.