Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Case Against Barack Obama

President Obama did not come through with his promises of change.  The country is worse off now than in 2008.  He does not deserve a second term in office.

Unemployment is still above 8% and has been for 42 consecutive months.  Within that 42 month period was a streak of ten consecutive months of unemployment above 9%.  Keep in mind these numbers are based only on those who made unemployment claims. It does not include those who are not eligible for unemployment or who have had their unemployment run out.  So in reality, the number is higher.

The economy is still bad.

The $50 billion GM bailout using taxpayer money was nothing but a political handjob to the United Auto Workers union.  GM was a dying corporation making poor business decisions and agreeing to profit-unfriendly contracts with the thugs and bullies in the UAW.  Included in that deal was a huge tax break to GM which made their 2011 tax rate -1.5%.  Not something us the taxpayers were made aware.  That negative tax break gave the illusion GM was profitable last year andthe bailout was working.  The federal government owns 500 million shares in GM and would have to sell those shares for $53 each to recover the bailout money.  The current GM share price as of September 5 is $21.76.  The UAW lost nothing in all of this.  But ask the non-union employees of spin-off company Delphi what happened to their pensions.   Thier pensions were stolen from them by a company without the intestinal fortitude to standup to bullies and thugs.  The GM problems go beyond awful contracts with the UAW.  How about That Chevy Volt?  And the Malibu?

Have I mentioned the economy still sucks?

Barack Obama has one of the most extreme left positions on abortion of any president.  That view may win over some ultra-leftwing feminazis but not the regular, hardworking middle of the road American.  President Obama even said if one of his daughters became pregnant as a teenager he would encourage abortion because having her keep the child would be punishment.  Really Barack?  You would rather abort your grandchild than teach your daughter an very important life lessson that actions have consequneces and responsibility is a huge part of growing up? 

How's that economy for you?

President Obama is preaching "tax fairness".  What is fair about tax-raping the incomes of those who worked hard and sacrificed to become successful?  What is fair about over-taxing someone because he or she has a unique and fantastic talent?  Nothing is fair about that, Mr. Obama.  It's about igniting class warfare and appealing to your base of the lowest common denominator in society.

And let's not forget the still stagnant economy.

America is not better off than it was when Obama took office.  He promised change and gave us nothing. He must be a one-and-done president or things will get even worse.

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