Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why ObamaCare is Bad for America -- A Denis Learyesque Rant

Alright, nowhere in the United States Constitution does is say the government is to be the Great Provider and Great Caretaker.  So why as Americans are we tolerating the implementation of a shitty federally contorlled healthcare system?  Well, it's sad to say but many Americans are selfish, lazy and have false sense of entitlement. The issue really is too many of us do not want to make sacrifices in the budget to allow for purchasing our own healthcare coverage.  But there are some simple ways to fit it into your budget.  How about not spending $100 at the bar every weekend.  Or stop giving money to tanning salons.  The sun is FREE!  Use it to get a tan.  Oh, you need to get a haircut?  Go to Fantastic Sam's.  No, you do not need $200 Nikes.  Get your priorities straight.  And you all know as well as I do, Obamacare will lead to abuse of the system.  Some jagoff will wake up at 3AM with heartburn and is absolutely certain it's a heart attack.  So he'll go to the ER.  And they'll give him some Tums and a fucking bottle of water.  Some even bigger jagoff will wake up Monday morning with a bad headache and of course knows he has a tumor and rushes to the ER only to be given some Ibuprofen and sent on his way.  It's this kind of crap which will increase health care costs for those of us who work for a living and are responsible and mature enough to purhcase healthcare for ourselves and our families.  We are willing to make thoise budget sacrifices and not jump aboard the whhhhaaambulance and demand someone else plays the adult in our lives.  Not only will health insurance providers raise rates, but your taxes will go up too.  Whether you use the crappy welfare healthcare soon to be spewed out by our governemnt or not.  Hospitals will become overcrowded and undersatffed.  Believe this: ObamaCare will cause waiting lists for simple procedures as sonograms, mammograms, MRIs and CAT scans. Just ask any Canadian.  All you liberal wacko women who want the government away from your "women's care", well with ObamaCare on its way, they are going to have their hands all over it.  Bet you didn't see that coming, did you?  Morons.  ObamaCare just reinforces the lazy selfish American stereotype.  And really do we want to use failing systems like France and Canada as models of how to do things?  ObamaCare is bad.  Its just far too many Americans wish to remain selfish and lazy and not self-supporting to realize it.

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