Thursday, July 26, 2012

Storm Warning...Ideas Created During a Power Outage at Work

I understand the NCAA allowing Penn State football players to leave without penalty.  But I do not understand why restrictions were not placed on how other coaches could target those players.  By not applying some regulations, the NCAA just increased the magnitutde of the "football first" mentality, the very thing they were trying to change.

The liberal media's hypocrisy has no boundaries.  Remember when the praised and salivated over the Chicks with Di...I mean Dixie Chicks' degredation of George W. Bush?  They were all about First Amendment rights then.  So why are they slandering, libeling and presenting character assassinations on Chick-Fil-A?  It's simple.  The liberal media has no morals, standards or anything resembling a core values system. 

Why is it every time a white cop is involved with the shooting of a minority, justified or otherwise, that cop is always labeled as a racist?

For those of you out there yearning for harsher gun control laws, think about this for awhile: Turkey solidified gun contril in 1911.  The Soviet Union tool guns away from the citizens in 1929.  China did the same in 1935.  Germany followed in 1938. In 1956, Cambodia disarmed the citizens and Uganda did so in 1970. The results?  Here you go: 55 million people the government.

Hey's jobs and the economy.  Just sayin...

Dear FOX, cancel American Idol.  Immediately.

USELESS MOVIE TRIVIA: Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid $15 million for Terminator 2 in which he spoke 700 words.  That is $21,428.57 per word.

What's the over/under for total votes Rosanne Barr gets as the Green Party candidate for President?

That's all for today. I shall return soon.

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