Monday, March 12, 2012

Limbaugh vs. Fluke and the extreme left: A clear winner

Once again the radical left has it all wrong when it comes to Rush Limbaugh.  The Sandra Fluke controversy shows the hypocrisy of the left in its full monty.

Rush Limbaugh was been widely criticized by the left wing (and the chickenshit GOP presidential candidates trying to draw undecided/independent/moderate voters) for his comments about Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student claiming she is having so much sex she can’t keep up with the costs of contraceptives.  Rush labeled her a “slut” and said since she wants the rest of us to pay for her birth control so she can have all the sex she wants she is also a “prostitute”.  Many claim his comments crossed the line.  As someone who has listened to Limbaugh on and off for 20 years, I can say those aren’t the worst comments Rush ever made.

Georgetown University is the nation’s oldest Jesuit and Catholic University and birth control is not covered under its health insurance.  The Catholic Church has had a very long-standing policy against the use of birth control.  And the government mandating policy to any religious organization is a violation of the separation of church and state.  Any law student should understand that.  But those things only matter to the left when someone want to place a Nativity scene on public property.

After her testimony was over, Fluke and several other closed-minded leftist women, walked out on testimony from Catholic Bishops.  So much for wanting to hear the other side of the debate, especially when it could come down to a Constitutional and legal issue, something in which a law student should have interest, you would think.

So if Ms. Fluke is really going through so much money buying contraceptives, she’s obviously not on the pill or shot, because with those options the amount of sex you have does not matter.  And plenty of  other women in America are using the pill or shot and not drying up their bank account.  So let‘s say she is using condoms.  It’s come out recently Sandra does have a boyfriend.  Does he not contribute to the condom fund?  If not, then she shouldn’t be giving him any sex.  And there are plenty of places to get free condoms if you need them as well.  The bottom line is birth control is not vital for anyone’s daily life.  It’s not like insulin for a diabetic.

So riddle me this, why has no one pointed out these women demanding the government get involved in policies regarding medication for women’s bodies are the same women who want the government to stay away from their bodies when it comes to abortion?  Just another little something to think about.

On a side note, if Sandra can find time to engage in this abundant amount of sexual intercourse, when is she studying?  In 2011, The US News & World Report printed a ranking of the top law schools in America based on a survey from the ABA.  Georgetown University is ranked 14th on that list.  So Sandra is not a stupid woman, but all this time she’s spending in bed takes away from time she should be spending in the library.  Pass the Bar Exam first.  Then worry about having sex.

Let’s get to Rush Limbaugh’s apology and advertisers.  Many feel the apology was not sincere and done only to appease advertisers.  Not likely.  The radical left website ThinkProgress has claimed 45% of Limbaugh’s advertisers have pulled their ads from his show.  Again not likely.  I’m not surprised such a report came from a website which despises everything Rush stands for and wants to see him fail.  Limbaugh’s show has a waiting list for advertisers and many will happily jump on board despite the controversy.  Think about it.  Rating for Limbaugh’s show are going to be even higher right now with all the coverage this story has received.  It’s a great time to advertise on his show.

As for the apology, I don’t feel it was 100% sincere.  I feel it was a calculated and clever ploy to keep the story at the top of the news.  He made the apology over the weekend which would have the weekend shows on networks like CNN and FOX talking about it.  And come Monday morning and evening, the big stars on those same networks would have to talk about it on their shows.  Finally, come 12PM EST, even more ears would be tuned in to hear the opening monologue of Rush’s show.  So once again, Rush oursmarts everyone else.

In what came as no surprise, Sandra and the gang of hypocrites rebuffed Rush’s apology.  But what did come as a surprise was extreme leftist and shock comic Bill Maher defended Limbaugh going as far as to say the left looks bad for not accepting his apology.  Keep in mind Maher is the same man who called Sarah Palin a “bimbo” and the “c-word”. (And Maher used the vulgar version, not my version.)  Now, when any woman is called the c-word, shouldn’t all women be outraged, regardless of politics?  I would think they should.  But again, just more hypocrisy from the left.  I must give credit where it is due, and will likely never do this again for Bill Maher, but he deserves kudos for what he said about the Limbaugh apology and the left wing of American politics.

The only things I know for sure is Limbaugh’s show isn’t going anywhere  (Sorry leftists.)  and the debate over the government mandating policy to religious employers will continue and may end up before the Supreme Court.  It’s clearly a violation of the separation of church and state, but I’m not a lawyer, judge or justice.  I’ll let them figure it out.  And Sandra, you obviously have brains and passion so get off the talk show circuit and the mattress and into the library.

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